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Fern Hill Primary School


Fern Hill was established as a community school in 1994 and is housed in attractive purpose built premises with substantial outdoor play spaces and gardens.

Fern Hill is a three form entry primary school with a 64 place nursery. In terms of facilities, the school has two halls, an extensive Library, Music & Drama room, Art room, Special Needs base and an IT curriculum base with 30 computers. All the computers are networked and have access to the Internet. 

The design of the school includes extensive security measures to ensure the safety of the children whilst they are at school. There are four separate play spaces — one each for the Nursery, Reception, Infants and Juniors. The building is also fully accessible, incorporating wide doors and corridors, specialist toilet facilities and lift facilities. 

There is an outside environmental area, developed by the parents, staff and children including a pond and a 'secret garden' with a plot for each year group. 

There is flexible ability grouping within each class and opportunities for focused teaching across year groups.

The school has its own Nursery which offers places for 32 children in the morning and 32 children in the afternoon. A limited number of full-time places are available. The Nursery encourages early learning in partnership with parents. A wide and balanced programme of activities is provided to encourage children to learn and to introduce them to the Foundation Stage curriculum. We aim to give them first-hand experiences of language and thinking skills, awareness of number and a wide range of physical and creative activities.

In January 2022 Fern Hill became an academy and joined Kingston Educational Trust.



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